quinta-feira, abril 10, 2008

Sociologia no Ensino Médio em 2009; eventos e etc e tal!

Segundo informação do site abaixo, Carta Compromisso assinada pela Secretária da Educação, do Estado de São Paulo, garantirá Sociologia no ensino médio em 2009. Agora resta saber por quanto tempo, além do que por este ano de 2008 é muito difícil a realização de um concurso público que absorva uma gama de profissionais das Ciências Sociais, já que em ano eleitoral a justiça eleitora impõe regras, e portanto, no andar da carruagem, não vai dar tempo de programar, a curto tempo esse Concurso. Fica o destaque para o progresso nas negociações entre os dois lados: professorado e o Governo!

Terça-Feira, 8 de Abril 2008 - 18h24
Governo de SP implantará Sociologia no Ensino Médio

Alunos do Ensino Médio da rede estadual de São Paulo terão aulas de Sociologia a partir de 2009.

A disciplina será lecionada duas vezes por semana e será em uma das três séries do Ensino Médio, ainda a ser definida.

Na terça-feira (8) foi assinado um compromisso entre Secretaria da Educção e Sindicato dos Sociólogos do Estado de São Paulo para a implantação da disciplina.

A Secretaria de Educação informou que as aulas de Sociologia atenderão a uma reorganização na grade curricular.

O Estado deve realizar concurso para contratar professores de Sociologia. A rede tem apenas 119 professores efetivos da disciplina.

Fonte: Jornal A Cidade. Disponível em www.jornalacidade.com.br


O Centro de Estudos Culturais Africanos e da Diáspora da PUC/SP, com financiamento da FAPESP,
está trazendo o antropólogo e etnomusicólogo Prof. Dr. Kazadi Wa Mukuna, da República Democrática do Congo e atualmente
diretor da Faculdade de Música, da Universidade de Kent, nos EUA, para realizar seminários, workshop e estudos na PUC/SP.
No próximo 14 de abril, tem inicío o Seminário Temático - Música Africana: teoria, cultura material, arte, comunicação, no Setor de Pós-Graduação, com vagas para alunos da pós e da graduação e demais estudiosos de culturas africanas e da afro-diáspora. O seminário ocorrerá às segundas-feiras, na sala 508, de 14/04 até 7/07, no horário de 16 às 19 horas. Aulas em português e inscrições gratuitas (informações 36 70 85 11).

-Quinta - 10/04 às 18h no Espaço dos Estudantes do Prédio do Meio (C. Sociais/Filosofia)

Assembléia dos estudantes da FFLCH

Pautas: - V Congresso
- Espaços/Repressão

-Sexta - 11/04 às 10h no Auditório da História


Desenvolvimento pra quem?

Frente de Apoio ao Vale do Ribeira

Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR)


16-28 August, 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

***Deadline for Applications 15 May 2008***

http://www.wwhr. org/files/ CSBRSexualityIns t_Application. doc

Please disseminate widely (apologies for cross posting)

The Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) is pleased to announce the CSBR Sexuality Institute 2008 to be held between August 16th and 23rd 2008 in Malaysia . The Institute will bring together leading NGO representatives, researchers, practitioners and policymakers for a holistic interdisciplinary program combining history, theory and politics of sexuality with applications of advocacy, and fieldwork. The CSBR Sexuality Institute is designed as a comprehensive curriculum on sexuality and sexual rights in Muslim societies with an in depth discussion of sexual and reproductive health and rights at the global level. Full announcement and application form is available at http://www.wwhr. org/files/ CSBRSexualityIns t_Application. doc

The realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights is an integral part of gender equality, development and social justice. However, sexuality continues to be a contested domain and site of political power struggles across the globe. Increasing global militarism, conservatism, and nationalism over the last decades provoked a serious backlash on sexual and reproductive health and rights, both at the United Nations level, as well as on national contexts. In Muslim societies, many issues around sexuality remain a taboo, while human rights violations in the domain of sexuality continue to be legitimized through the misuse of religion, tradition, and culture. The post 9/11 context, with increased Islamophobia and the rise of political Islam, poses further challenges for researchers, practitioners and advocates in Muslim societies.

As a Coalition actively working to promote sexual, reproductive and bodily health and rights in Muslim societies, the experience of CSBR has revealed that the limited erudition and expertise on sexuality issues in our contexts constitute an obstacle to advancements in this field. Given the current debates and polarizations, it is more pertinent than ever to strengthen critical insight into historical and contemporary aspects of the power struggles around sexuality, enhance knowledge and capacity on sexual health and rights, and build an inclusive and affirmative discourse on sexuality in Muslim societies. As such, the CSBR Sexuality Institute provides a unique opportunity to create a better understanding of sexuality in Muslim societies and further the efforts to advance sexual, reproductive and bodily health and rights.

The Institute is designed to advance participants’ knowledge, understanding and advocacy skills for sexual, reproductive and bodily health and rights, while strengthening their theoretical background and analysis of sexuality in Muslim societies and introducing CSBR’s holistic and affirmative discourse on sexuality.
To this end, the aims of the CSBR Sexuality Institute are:

To develop a deeper theoretical understanding of sexuality through a historical overview and analysis of current issues and debates at the global level;
To provide a comprehensive and holistic understanding of sexuality in Muslim societies through a discussion of the history, legal frameworks, current discourses and issues;
To enhance participants’ sexual rights advocacy skills on national and international levels;
To increase participants’ capacity as leading advocates, practitioners and researchers on sexuality issues at national, regional and international levels
About the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR)
Founded in 2001, the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) is an international solidarity network of organizations, researchers and academics working to promote sexual, bodily and reproductive rights as human rights in Muslim Societies. CSBR includes members from Algeria, Bangladesh , Egypt , Indonesia , Jordan , Lebanon , Malaysia , Morocco , Pakistan , Palestine , the Philippines , Tunisia , Turkey , and Yemen . Women for Women’s Human Rights (WWHR) – New Ways (www.wwhr.org), the co-founder of the Coalition, acts as the international coordination office of CSBR. As the only international network working on sexual and bodily rights in Muslim societies, CSBR has played a pivotal role in terms of advocacy, activism and research on sexual and bodily health and rights in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia .
CSBR has succeeded in creating an alternative discourse and progressive spaces around sexuality and sexual rights in Muslim societies. Advocating to eliminate customary practices and discriminatory attitudes related to women’s sexuality, such as honor crimes, sexual violence, marital rape, sexual harassment, discrimination based on sexual orientation, restrictions on women’s mobility, forced/early marriages, CSBR has catalyzed and supported advocacy efforts on national levels, such as supporting campaigns for penal and civil code reform in countries like Turkey, Morocco and Palestine, while also working at international platforms and the UN. CSBR has pioneered the very first international meetings on sexual and reproductive rights in countries such as Lebanon and Tunisia, where previously sexuality was not an issue for discussion, and launched international campaigns and actions on sexual rights and freedoms, human rights violations, reproductive rights, and the right to organize in many countries, including Malaysia, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, Palestine, and Iran.
More information on CSBR is available at http://www.wwhr. org/csbr. php.

Organization of the Institute & Faculty
The Institute is designed as an intense 6 day participatory training with 20 participants. The language of the Institute will be English. Travel and accommodation costs for the participants will be covered by the Institute.
Issues addressed will include a conceptual and historical framework of sexuality; contemporary discourses and debates around sexuality and sexual rights in Muslim societies; shariah and sexuality; sexual diversities; sexuality and human rights; sexual health; sexual health and rights advocacy. The Institute will also incorporate sessions focused on application and experience-sharing including a session on CSBR; a roundtable featuring presentations and discussions of participants’ work on sexuality; and a panel with Malaysian activists.

The faculty will consist of CSBR members with expertise on given topics, and internationally renowned experts in the field of sexuality.

To apply please return complete application form with C.V. to liz.amado@wwhr. org by May 15, 2008.
Application available at http://www.wwhr. org/files/ CSBRSexualityIns t_Application. doc

If you have any questions, please contact:
Women for Women’s Human Rights (WWHR) – New Ways
Email: newways@wwhr. org / sgoknur@gmail. com
Tel: +90 212 251 00 29
Fax: +90 212 251 00 65

Um comentário:

Kabibs disse...

Enfim irão abrir vagas para lecionar aulas de sociologia. Só não entendo o porquê de tanta burocracia e tanta demora... É bom a galera já ir se preparando para introduzir o jovem brasileiro em assuntos voltados à politica nacional!

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